Of the whole creation am I a wonder
There’s no one else like me, where ever you wander
I’m a perfect balance of the heat and the cold
I’m the envy of any other world
Of the whole universe am I the queen
Within me, my equerries convene
The enchanted five some - air, water, fire, sky, and earth
Perform their magic and create the precious breath
My child, my prince is the apple of our eye
“Life” we call him, since within him our lives lie
For him, all my love and care I gather
For I love my offsrping, just like any other mother
Together, my ladies and I nurture him with all the care in the world
Seeing a wonder, seeing him mould
Proud and surprised I am at his intelligence
Longing for his escalation, I offer him fortunes immense
Swift and ambitious as he is
Quick is he to seize his opportunities
He works, builds, and he grows
He toils hard through highs and lows
Before long, he begins conquering worlds far-off
He grows more determined, he just cannot have enough
Without restraint, he plucks the fruit I bear him
With them, he fuels his never-ending dream
In front of my eyes, he converts
To suit himself, my treasures he diverts
Now, he destroys rather than build
Making me bitterly realise that he is a child gone wild
He tears me apart, hurting me slowly
Plunging knifes into my body maliciously
He now has no sympathy, no rest
Kicks me till I bleed, in my breast
He claims me now, he has forgotten to ask
I try to stop him, but it’s no longer an easy task
He treats me less like a mother and more like a whore
How much ever I give him, he wants more and more
Finally, I’m tired and withered
My entire body is blood-smeared
And try as I might
I can never show my son the light
Just before my eyes close
I see something much worse
Bleeding to his death my son lay
In front of my eyes he is wasting away