Little things make a huge difference in life... cherish them, live them, love them, enjoy life to the fullest

Monday, February 7, 2011


Innocent heart filled with joy
Floats amidst the clouds
Envisages a colourful path ahead
Hopes, Fantasizes, Prays
Ignorant to the reality
Unaware of it's harshness
Two little hands; soft, fragile fingers
Yet bold and confident
Gradually, Prudently
Build block upon block
As the eyes spin
Dream upon dream...
Suddenly, without warning
A torrent breaks
Flooding everything on it's way
Spelling a spate of destruction
Hurling the carefully arranged blocks
In all directions possible
Mercilessly breaking them apart...
The hands, no longer soft
Withered with disappointment and defeat
With the precious dreams shattered
The eyes are filled with tears...
A broken heart filled with sorrow
Gropes in the dark
Tries to gather it's pieces
Cries, Laments, Mourns
Learning Reality
Knowing now, it's harshness...